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Je winkelwagen is leeg

February 28, 2022 1 leestijd

Everything has to go fast today. We combine work and private life with a lot of travel and stress. It is no different with Chloé Geebelen, physiotherapist and occupational therapist in Oudsbergen (Limburg). She combines her busy job with intensive sports and in the meantime pays attention to a healthy diet as much as possible. The snack is often something that goes last minute and is not necessarily healthy. So because she pays attention to the nutritional value and avoids added sugars, she came to Adya. For longer trips and treks, the pieces of freeze-dried fruit and the new apple drops prove ideal. They store well, there is no more work to do and they are full of essential nutrients.

More people than Chloé are looking for better nutrition. The sweets and snacks sometimes seem like the last thing people want to change into because they are so limited in use at first. That is precisely why we want to help everyone to take the step.