Enjoy 5% off your first order with the code StartAdya.
Enjoy 5% off your first order with the code StartAdya.
April 07, 2022 1 leestijd
Adya stands for 100% vegetable and organic. Not only do we believe in it ourselves, we also read what science and, to a limited extent, government health policy say. For example, the WHO states very clearly that 80% of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke are preventable through a healthy lifestyle.
It is increasingly clear that a plant-based diet is good for everyone's health. To grow up healthy and to maintain a good resistance during your life. Plant-based food, for example, provides you with many vitamins and minerals, contains no or very little saturated fats and counteracts acidification in your digestive system.
We incur that acidification by eating too often one-sided and especially processed food. By too one-sided and processed food we miss the necessary fibers and vitamins and the risk of chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, high blood pressure, etc. increases.
Wherever we are, such as here at the Tavola delicacy fair in Kortrijk in March 2022, we like to talk about healthy food and especially the essential food such as fruit and vegetables.
Reading tips: Daily Healthy and Happy Healthy!, published by Hilde Demurie (left in the photo), see Hilde Demurie - because food heals body and mind! (happyhealthy.eu)
Extra follow-up tip: Disc for Life from dietician Lobke Faasen, Netherlands.